Hi, I'm chaffin!

I am here to equip you to find your own health freedom in order to live the life you desire.

Chaffin Hart

ADAPT Certified Functional Health Coach 

My Story...

At age 17, I went from athlete to invalid in a matter of a month. From running, biking, rodeoing, and living my best life, I suddenly was confined to a wheelchair and 2 medical boots. Not much later, I developed more than 50 allergies that would cause my throat to swell shut. When the switch from great life to hard life happened, I initially searched for healing via a magic pill or surgery. The results weren’t great. Medications, surgery, and a prediction that I would have these problems for life were what I received from various doctors. While such solutions did help in some ways, it was not until I started working with a holistic practitioner and functional physical therapist that I found hope and freedom from symptoms and pain.

After a few weeks of working with the holistic physical therapist, I was up and walking with no pain despite the last verdict from a specialist proclaiming I would never walk normally again. Additionally, my allergies reduced by 89% after a few months by following the dietary and stress reduction recommendations of a naturopathic nutritionist. While the holistic lifestyle changes ultimately saved me, these changes were hard to make and even harder to maintain. I had to do life differently. Willpower and motivation were helpful in keeping me going, but not enough. It was the communal support that helped me the most. 

My friends, family, and healthcare team supported me in the overall behavior change process. They listened to my pain, helped me hold onto a vision of a brighter future, and empowered me to find my best solutions for health. They helped me build up my resiliency by teaching me how to break down my challenges into bite-sized pieces, how to utilize my key strengths, and how to sustain these changes through life’s ups and downs. My desire is to do the same for you. As a health coach, I partner with you to identify your key motivators, your strengths, and your values. We then use these key themes to empower you to build your unique health foundations that will create a life of optimal health.

Schedule a CALL

Schedule a free consultation today to discuss how health coaching can support you in achieving your most optimal health.

What people say?

I am fortunate to have worked with Chaffin for several months now. I can wholeheartedly recommend her coaching. She’s enthusiastic, positive yet realistic, and overall very gifted as a coach. She’s a delight to work with!
Carie C. (Georgia)
Chaffin did a fabulous job helping me to dig deeper. She asked questions that showed she was listening and intently interested in helping me to help myself. I enjoyed her directive questions that helped me develop goals and then hold me accountable to my own goals. Great job!! I highly recommend Chaffin as a health coach!! I have a traumatic brain injury acquired from a motorcycle accident in 2020 and I found her knowledge of TBI and PCS (post-concussion syndrome) to be effective in helping me! Thank you Chaffin.
Alyson (Minnesota)